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Meet Award-Winning Author/Poet and bookstagrammer from Baltimore, MD!


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International Book Award & Best Book Award Finalist, Amazon Bestseller #1 in African American Poetry, #2 in Postpartum Categories.

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  • Writer's pictureRae Scott

Shine Bright x Danyel Smith Discussion Questions

Shine Bright is a surprising, heartbreaking, soaring story-written by one of the preeminent cultural critics of her generation.

Genres: Nonfiction, Music, History, Memoir, Pop Culture

The following questions were discussed by the SoLoveSoul Book Club. Click the link for more information

1. How does our society define pop music? Why was Phyllis Wheatley’s poetry relevant to the evolution of pop music?

2. Let’s Discuss the representation of African Americans in pop music today.

3. In this section, Smith discussed how white artists like Bette Middler and Elvis were heavily influenced by black musicians. In what ways did the whitewashing of black music contribute to the success of black musicians? How did it hinder it?

4. What are your thoughts on Diana Ross demanding to be called Ms. Ross? Does this make her a diva? How has the term “diva” evolved over the years?

4. Smith argues that Gladys Knight was underrated because she has always been associated with being a part of a group or collaboration. Let’s discuss black girl groups/boy bands. How have they evolved over the years? Do you think our society puts limits on the success of groups?

5. “…be a black woman in music—but stay in the R&B and soul tradition.”(111) Donna Summers became known as the “disco queen” at the same time the “Disco Sucks Movement” spearheaded by gatekeepers and "violent pro-white rock” protestors. What does Donna Summer’s successful career and the spread of disco music despite the racist agenda against it say about black women’s impact on pop music?

6. “The Wiz, a proof-of-black humanity precursor to The Cosby Show” Let’s discuss the importance of representation. What was the movie or tv that made you feel seen and represented? Why is it important for our youth to see themselves represented in art?

7. Some bands have pop voices, so they become a pop band. Some have gospel voices, so they do gospel.” What’s the difference between pop voices and gospel voices? What are some examples of musicians with pop voices and gospel voices? Are there some bands that can do both?

8. “Could we have one without the other—a career without the pimp selling us? Who the fuck knows?” (196) What does this say about the dynamics between black men and black women in the music industry? Do you think men like Ike Turner and Ted White (Aretha Franklin’s husband) were “male-hanger-ons”?



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