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About Rae Scott

Meet Award-Winning Author/Poet and bookstagrammer from Baltimore, MD!


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International Book Award & Best Book Award Finalist, Amazon Bestseller #1 in African American Poetry, #2 in Postpartum Categories.

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  • Writer's pictureRae Scott

Silver Sparrow x Tayari Jones Discussion Questions

In Silver Sparrow Tayari Jones unveils a breathtaking story about a man's deception, a family's complicity, and the teenage girls caught in the middle.

Themes: Infidelity, Abandonment, Family Secrets

The following questions were discussed by the SoLoveSoul Book Club. Click the link for more information.

  1. Gwen and Dana seem to have a good mother-daughter relationship, but there’s a disconnect when James enters the picture. What do you think Dana cares about more: having James in her life or Dana’s wellbeing? Did she force this dynamic for Dana’s benefit or for her own?

  2. Gwen tells Dana that they have an advantage over Laverne and Chaurisse because they know the truth. Do you agree? Who is getting the short end of the stick here?

  3. In this section, we are introduced to Dana’s older "boyfriend" Marcus. What are your predictions on what is to come of this relationship? What effects do our parents' relationships have on our own choices when it comes to dating? How will Gwen's choices affect Dana's?

  4. “Please excuse my clothes and such… I didn’t figure on meet you.” - Luster (ch9) In this chapter we meet Gwen’s father Luster and James’s mother Ms. Bunny. What do you think is the significance to the introduction of these characters?

  5. “What right does my father have to the details of my life?”-Dana (ch8) What do you think about Dana’s question? Do you think James is in the position to parent Dana? How do you view James as a father?

  6. “I asked my mother if she found this all to be a little bit hypocritical. No, she said. She found it to be ironic.” (ch9) This quote comes after Dana’s relationship with Marcus is forbidden. Is it hypocrisy, irony, or both?

  7. There is a major shift in tone between Part I and Part II. What are your thoughts on the characters from Chaurisse’s perspective? Did you notice any changes or differences with the characters between Part I and Part II?

  8. In this section, Dana has been sneaking around to spend time with Chaurisse and Laverne. Why do you think Dana hasn’t spilled the beans yet to Chaurisse about their sisterhood?

  9. What are your thoughts on Chaurisse and Laverne’s relationship? How does their relationship differ from Dana and Gwen's?

  10. What are your thoughts about how the story unfolded? Did anything about the ending surprise you? Could the story have had a happy ending? If you could create an alternate ending what would it be?

  11. Our opinions about the characters have changed continually throughout the story. What are your final thoughts on them? Who do you empathize with the most? Which characters were your favorite/ least favorite?

  12. What do you think was more harmful in the end, the bigamy or the deception?



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